Open Onboarding

Expand your ecosystem with open, no- commitment onboarding

Sign up and receive sample credentials

Sign up with a company email address to get access to the sandbox environment. Developers are automatically provided with a sample app and test domain to get them started quickly.

Download the Postman Collection

Each API comes complete with Postman collections containing sample requests against synthetic datasets.

Make your first API call

Simply import the files into Postman, selecting the Getting Started Environment and provided Sample App credentials, and follow the steps to make your first call.

Get building across the API Catalogue

Add additional API keys to your teams page to access and experiment with the full list of APIs available in the catalogue.

A screenshot of an onboarding flow  with graphics demonstrating a sample appA screenshot of an onboarding flow  with graphics demonstrating a user downloading a Postman collectionA screenshot of an onboarding flow  with graphics demonstrating a Postman collectionA screenshot of an onboarding flow  with graphics demonstrating a success message and button to an API catalogue
A dashboard showing usage statistics across a variety of APIs


Optimise products based on insights

Deploy analytics across your API catalogue, measuring what your community are clicking, reading and calling, to help make data-driven decisions when choosing where to invest next.

Rigorously evaluate new propositions and partnerships by testing them under production-like conditions. We combine a core banking simulator, synthetic test datasets and programmatic consent flows, all delivered via FAPI compliant APIs, to create realistic test conditions upon which to build your propositions andd business cases.

Integration with developer tools

Integrate directly into developer workflows

Provide integration into Postman to simplify each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs, faster.

Screenshot of an banking API being used in the Postman API application

Rigorously evaluate new propositions and partnerships by testing them under production-like conditions. We combine a core banking simulator, synthetic test datasets and programmatic consent flows, all delivered via FAPI compliant APIs, to create realistic test conditions upon which to build your propositions andd business cases.

Case study

“The Oolys platform has been central to our Open Banking regulatory commitments and innovation work.

Having the ability to seamlessly collaborate with third-parties to rapidly test and validate ideas has unlocked real value in developing innovative products and services for our customers."

Dan Globerson
Head of Open Banking
Logo of NatWest Bank
Dan Globerson, head of open banking at Natwest
  • 95%

    Reduction in time taken to onboard third party partners

  • 100+

    Partners connected to NatWest via the Oolys Innovation Sandbox

  • 1000+

    users of the API sandbox across all NatWest Brands

Use cases

Explore benefits and use cases for your industry

Book a demo

See what Oolys could do for your platform banking ambition. Book a demo with our team.

Thank you
A member of our team will reach out to you to schedule a short demonstration of the features and capabilities of the Oolys platform.
In the meantime you can always contact us at
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